4 Core Concepts that Make Emotions Your Friend


Your emotions are always working for you, whether you think they are, or not. It’s just that sometimes, when you don’t listen to them, they can go sideways. If you can integrate these 4 key truths about how your emotions work into your understanding of emotions, then you’ll be on the path to working with your emotions.

Over the last year, I've been focused on things other than teaching about emotions (such as remodeling a barn into a home, and raising a toddler), and in some ways, it's been a nice little break. But I realize that I miss connecting to people, supporting them through the life changes that happen when they start listening to their emotions, and having the chance to teach and learn about emotions in an interactive way.

Recently I've received calls from local people who would like to attend a workshop about emotions, but don't want to travel to see Karla McLaren, M. Ed., (on whose books and research this information is based) in the Bay area. Offering weekend workshops isn't something that's a priority for me while my daughter is still so young, but it's definitely something I plan to offer in the future when she's more independent and I have more time.

Until then, I would like to interact with other humans who want to know more about emotions and how they work. Let's have a conversation!

Karla takes a research-based approach to understanding and working with emotions, with careful consideration of the process the researchers used to come to their conclusions. As a licensed Dynamic Emotional Integration Trainer and Consultant, I've also studied the research that her work is based on, so that you don't have to (if you don't want to. If you do, then this synopsis of How Emotions are Made by Lisa Feldman-Barrett, PhD, is a good place to start. Also this article by Doris Bischof-Kohler about the development of empathy in toddlers).

As I've gone deeper into understanding and listening to my emotions, the foundations they're based on prove themselves to be sturdy and solid.

These foundations are simple concepts that you probably know intuitively, except when you don't. Emotions are one thing when you just talk about them, and entirely another when you're experiencing them.

There are four key concepts around emotions that seem obvious once they've been explained, and once they have, you can see them everywhere.

I'd like to share these concepts in a 1-hour experiential webinar that I'd like to offer you at no cost.

I teach in a gentle, experiential way to help you understand information not only with your mind, but with your body, because you store emotions and information throughout your entire body, not just in your brain.

The 4 Keys Webinar is Tuesday, December 10th, at 4pm PST.

I'll post the recording as a free resource here on my website because this is information that everyone deserves to have access to.

If you'd like to sign up for the webinar, you can register here.

If the time doesn’t work for you, but you’d like to take this webinar, let me know. I may schedule another one for people living in different time zones if there is enough interest.